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Jane Daly's Worklife Podcast - Katie King: AI in Business
PUBLISHED: 20/07/2020
In this episode Jane talks to Katie King about the facinating world of AI and how it's impacting Business.
Katie King has over 30 years’ experience and has advised many of the world’s leading brands and business leaders, including Richard Branson/Virgin, Natwest/RBS, Accenture, PA Consulting, Orange, Arsenal Football Club, and Harrods. Her expertise spans all industries and sectors, with IPO experience, and growth for blue-chip brands and start-ups.
In recent years, Katie has developed a keen interest in Artificial Intelligence, and has become a sought-after thought leader on the topic. She is author of Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: How to Harness AI and Maintain the Competitive Edge, published by Kogan Page in February 2019. Katie is also a member of the UK Government All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) task force for the enterprise adoption of AI.
If you are looking to explore more about AI in Business, Katie recommends:
- Katie's book on AI – my legacy and something I’m really proud of.
Here’s a link to purchase it and a 20% discount code for listeners:
www.koganpage.com/AI-in-marketing Code:AIMARKETING20
- A superb book by Max Tegmark from MIT called: Life 3.0 – a must read!
Click here to find out more or buy it
- Access to the keynote speech on AI in Business
Click here to find out more or buy it
You can find out more about Katie and her work here
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