What stops people being capable?
PUBLISHED: 18/09/2018
Capability is a slippery concept.
For some time now I have been discussing capability with people in HR, people in L&D, and people with chief executive responsibilities in both the public and private sectors. What I have found remarkable is the lack of consistency in how people use the word capability.
Given that any organisation has a purpose - and achieving that purpose is dependent on the people in the organisation being capable of doing all the tasks that need to be done - I would have thought that capability would be so fundamental to success that people would have a handle on it. Or at least the successful people would.
In fact, I have been surprised at how little focus people put on capability in most organisations.
What is even more interesting is how surprised they are when this is pointed out to them. I often do a little thought experiment with them, and it goes like this.
Imagine you are the chief executive of a new business, and I am supplying a team of people to you to work in the business. I give you a choice of two different teams. Team 1 is welleducated. The members have been on lots of training courses, and they know lots of stuff.
Team 2 is capable of doing the work that needs to be done in your new business. Which team would you choose for your business?
99 per cent of people I ask this choose the capable team. We seem to know that in the moment when the job needs to be done, capability to do the task counts far more for business success than any amount of formal learning. If capability is so important, what is it? How can we define it? How can we measure it? And how do we need to understand it so that we can improve it?
Find out the answers and the components of capability. Do you agree? Do you have different suggestins?
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